In the past years, Tobias Holzmann collaborated with his company »Holzmann CFD« with different companies in a variety of topics regarding numerical simulations, OpenFOAM® support, and development. All of them who agreed to be placed here are listed as well as the subject of collaboration.

Intensive collaboration in the field of heat ventilation and air condition (HVAC) simulations mainly in the development sector and support regarding numerical set-up and case analysis.

Collaborated during the year 2018 regarding CFD quality checks of the internal performed simulations.

HELLA collaborated with Tobias Holzmann regarding heat-transfer and dynamic meshes during the year 2019.

Tobias Holzmann introduced the OpenFOAM® toolbox to the company, Eisenwerke Sulzach-Werfen (Austria) with individual test cases.

During the year 2019, Tobias Holzmann collaborated with the H-TEC Systems Gmbh in the field of hydrogen outblow.
Pro-CFD Award 2018
In the year 2018, Tobias Holzmann submitted his book »Mathematics, Numerics, Derivations and OpenFOAM® to the »proCFD« team, which is located in Berlin (Germany) and won the »proCFD-Award 2018«. The award is lent to people who support the OpenFOAM® community. Tobias is thankful to be part of the community and about the award in the year 2018. Things like that keep him ambitious to increase his material for the community.